VII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-14) in honor of Vladimir Zakharov's 75th birthday
August, 04-08, 2014
Chernogolovka, Russia
Shrira Victor I.
Affiliations: Keele University, UK
My research interests include waves in the ocean, general theory of nonlinear waves, wave turbulence.

Participating in conferences:
10:00 08-Aug-2014 VII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-14) in honor of Vladimir Zakharov's 75th birthday Solitons of trapped waves on jet currents
11:50 07-Aug-2014 VII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-14) in honor of Vladimir Zakharov's 75th birthday Modelling of squall with the generalised kinetic equation
10:00 07-Aug-2014 VII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-14) in honor of Vladimir Zakharov's 75th birthday (presenter) Waves on jet currents: a new paradigm and novel mechanisms of freak wave formation

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